As a content provider, we depend on consistent connections with minimal round trip times. Accordingly, we maintain an open peering policy, particularly welcoming eyeball providers to enjoy free peering with us. We anticipate this will significantly improve the experience for your clients.
EXCHANGE POLICY: We have a regional prefix exchange policy in place, and it should be noted that IPv4/6 prefixes vary across certain locations. For instance, we do not distribute US prefixes to Asia, or European prefixes to the US, and vice versa. We kindly ask you to refer to the general values provided and, if you reach a prefix limit, please request the appropriate value from our Network Operations Center (NOC).
PREFIX FILTERS: We conduct daily updates of our BGP filters at 09:00 UTC, and we reset prefix limit sessions at 12:00 UTC.
IDLE PEERS: Please note that we will remove any idle peers after 90 days of inactivity.
LEFT PEERS: For peers who have departed from the Internet Exchange Point (IXP), we will automatically remove their BGP peers. Therefore, there is no need for you to send any request to our NOC team for this purpose..